Logitech C-270 original webcam at Aliexpress review


I constantly need to communicate with clients via the Internet because I work as a remote designer. When my webcam became broken, I started looking for a new one. After studying several websites, the choice was made in favor of Logitech. Too much praise at every turn. I have to tell you that it is necessary for me to get video at least 720p and there should be a good microphone. Especially the microphone, because more than half of the time communication occurs only by voice. I came across a model C-270, because the description was great and clear. It had these characteristics and seemed optimal in terms of price and quality.

I accidentally found this model on Aliexpress. After looking at the product description and customer reviews, it became clear that this is an original product. I solved to purchase the model from China. I have been using this camera since last year, so it is necessary to say that the good works great. There is no bug while using it. But let's look at all the details.

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The trouble of all cheap webcams, and especially those that are built into laptops, is that the frame rate drops when there is insufficient light. Our camera does not have this problem. The movement is smooth in room lighting. Even if you turn off the light completely, then only when the monitor lights up, there is no drop in frame rate at all. I was really happy about this, because the “ragged image” always irritates me. Now I can communicate without any problems because the video is near to the perfect.

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The sound quality of this model is just on top. The voice is heard as clearly and clearly as possible, without any interference or strong distortion. The camera is attached to the monitor during a video conversation. When a conversation happens without a video, I usually put it on the table. Sometimes several people participate on my side during communication. So, the sound should be equally well received from different parts of the room. And there are no problems with this either.


A good image, high-quality loud sound and smooth operation cam make the only conclusion: it is worth taking. If you need a workhorse that will not let you down during an important conversation, then it will be hard to find something similar, even more expensive.

Logitech webcam link: http://bit.ly/358UtNP

Author: Denis Alinesov

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